
I went to Taco Belle!!! This is my first time to visit there. I ordered 5-layers burrito, it is so good price compare to other food in the US. Then I pop into the park which is near my house. At that time, I was asked by the men like the police. He said, "Do you have kids?" because the zone which I was sitting only permit children and their parents.




I went to Davenport beach with my friends today but the temperature in the sea is so cold compared to my hometown. Then we drank some alcohol and agreement with the opinion about that we should bring up some sports goods next time. 


Davenport beachに友人と行ってきましたが、海水温は鎌倉と比べてとても冷たかったです。そこでみんなでアルコールを飲んだのですが、次回からは何かしらのスポーツ用品(ボールとか)を持って来るべきだという意見で合致しました。


I studied about shock wave today. Then I went to restaurant called Taqueria Los Pricos. This restaurant is Mexican food thus some Burrito and Taco are there. We ordered Supper Burrito, its taste is great and volume is bigger than Taco Bell!!!!


今日は衝撃波について勉強していました。そのあと、Taqueria Los Pricosというメキシコ料理のレストランに行ってきました。そこではブリトーやタコスがあるのですが、みんなでスーパーブリトーというのを頼みました。とても美味しくて、量もタコベルよりもありました。


The UCSC began the strike today to around the Wednesday. However, this things is good for me because my feel is bad recently. I have sore on the throat and feel heavy body.  Anyway, I'll continue to observe my health for a while.





I hiked to my office today!! On the way, I took the coffee at the Verve, then bought the lunch at Zoccoli's Delicatessen. Those taste are so great as ever. It took about 1 and a half hours to my office from my house. Therefore, It seems like good exercise for me. I think will have some sore tomorrow.


今日は研究室までハイキングをしてきました。その道中に、VerveとZoccoli's Delicatessenでそれぞれコーヒーとランチを買いました。相変わらずこのお店たちはとても美味しいです。そのハイキングはだいたい1時間30分程度家から研究室までかかりました。とてもいい運動になったので、明日は筋肉痛になる気がします。


I went to Wharf and Natural Bridge today. First of all, I was able to see the sea lion under the wharf bridge. They were sleeping on the some pillar. Then, I watched the sunset in the Natural Bridge. It is so beautiful!!! Therefore, I want to feel the nature.


今日はWharfとNatural Bridgeにいってきました。まず、Wharfの下にいたアシカをみることができました。アシカたちは柱の上で寝ていました。その後、Natural Bridgeで夕日を見ました。それはとても綺麗で、もっと自然に触れたくなりました。


I bought some food before that we did Okonomiyaki party today. In the Safeway, there was not yam. The reason why I need it affect the finished feel in the mouth. However, we was able to cook good Okonomiyaki!!!! Its taste is so great!!! and cost is so cheap!!!


今日はお好み焼きパーティーの前に食品を買いに行きました。Safeway に山芋はなかった。なんで山芋が欲しいかというと、出来上がったお好み焼きの食感が変わるからです。なかったのですが、美味しいお好み焼きを作ることができました。そしてすごく安上がりでしたw